
In this chapter we’ll take a short tour of the various components, which put together provide the RollerworksSearch system. You will learn key terminology used throughout the rest of this manual and gain an understanding of the classes you are going to work with.


RollerworksSearch can be used as both a processing library for search requests. And as a software client to compose search-conditions that will be provided to a third-party (web) API, that uses RollerworksSearch for processing.

Some functionality is provided by extensions that you need to install in addition to the RollerworksSearch core library.

See the installation chapter for more details.

Code Samples

Code examples are used throughout the manual to clarify what is written in text. They will sometimes be usable as-is, but they should always be taken as outline/pseudo code only.

A code sample will look like this:

class AClass

// A Comment
$obj = new AClass($arg1, $arg2, ... );

/* A note about another way of doing something
$obj = AClass::newInstance($arg1, $arg2, ... );

The presence of 3 dots ... in a code sample indicates that code has been excluded, for brevity. They are not actually part of the code.

Multi-line comments are displayed as /* ... */ and show alternative ways of achieving the same result.

You should read the code examples given and try to understand them. They are kept concise so that you are not overwhelmed with information.


Each search operation starts with a SearchCondition.

A SearchCondition consists of a set of requirements (the condition, kept as a structured object-graph), and a FieldSet configuration.

You can think of a condition as an (SQL) query condition ``WHERE (field = ‘value’)``. But the actual condition is anything from a simple string, and is not limited to merely SQL.


The final structure of a condition has no limits. You can compose any condition you want for the best possible search result.

You can use single-values, ranges, comparisons and value matchers (starts/ends with or contains).

In further chapters you will learn how to produce a SearchCondition by processing a user provided query, or by manually composing a SearchCondition using the SearchConditionBuilder.


A FieldSet (FieldSet configuration) holds a set of SearchField‘s, and optionally a set-name (for internal usage).

The FieldSet helps the search system with processing the field’s values and transforming user-input to a workable format (eg. an DateTime object).

To create a FieldSet you can use the FieldSetBuilder or create a custom FieldSetConfigurator.


Using a configurator is mandatory if you plan to serialize the condition, it provides a central point to (lazily) load FieldSet configurations.

use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Extension\Core\Type\IntegerType;

// ...

$userFieldSet = $searchFactory->createFieldSetBuilder()
    ->add('id', IntegerType::class)
    ->add('username', TextType::class)
    ->add('firstName', TextType::class)
    ->add('lastName', TextType::class)


A FieldConfig consists of a number of properties that are needed by various parts of the search system for handling/processing field values.

While some of these configurations might seem a bit intimidating you don’t really need to know all the internals. In further chapters you will learn how to create your own Field Type/Data transformers, etc.

So for now remember that a SearchField has a name, a type and some configuration. You can see a SearchField as a form field configuration.


The field’s name must be unique within a FieldSet, registering the field twice will overwrite the previous one.

Field Type

Field types are used for configuring SearchFields using reusable types that make extensions as advanced as possible and reducing the amount of code you have to duplicate.

You don’t extend a Field type by extending the PHP class, but by using an advanced field building system. Each type can have multiple extensions.


Build-in types are provided by the CoreExtension.

You are free create your own field types for more advanced use-cases. See Custom Field Type for more information.

Input Processors

Input Processors transform the input to a SearchCondition. And ensure certain limits (either maximum number of values per field), and value formatting constraints adhered.

Out of the box RollerworksSearch provides support for JSON and a special user-friendly string-based input format.


While the input processors transform user-input to a SearchCondition. The exporters do the opposite, transforming a SearchCondition to an exported format, which can be process for their respective input processor.

Exporting a SearchCondition is very useful if you want to store the condition on the client-side in either a cookie, URI query-parameter or hidden form input field.

Or if you plan to use RollerworksSearch as a client-side SDK.


The SearchFactory forms the heart of the search system, it provides easy access to various builders, loaders, and the SearchConditionSerializer.


Provided Framework integrations already configure the SearchFactory for you. And allow to plug-in additional extensions and field types.

Otherwise you would rather want to use the Searches class which takes care of all the boilerplate of setting up a SearchFactory.

Further reading

Now that you know the basic terms and conventions it’s time to get started. Note that some extensions are provided separate while there documentation is kept within this manual.

Depending on your usage there are a number of dedicated chapters that help you with integrating RollerworksSearch.

First make sure you install RollerworksSearch, and any extensions you wish to use.