How to Unit Test your Field Types


This page is not updated for Rollerworks v2.0 yet.

A Field consists of 3 core object: a field type (implementing FieldType) the SearchField and the SearchFieldView.

The only class that is usually manipulated by programmers is the field type class which serves as a field blueprint. It is used to generate the SearchField and the SearchFieldView. You could test it directly by mocking its interactions with the factory but it would be complex. It is better to pass it to SearchFactory like it is done in a real application. It is simple to bootstrap and you can trust the Search components enough to use them as a testing base.

There is already a class that you can benefit from for simple FieldTypes testing: SearchIntegrationTestCase. It is used to test the core types and you can use it to test your types too.


Depending on the way you installed RollerworksSearch the tests may not be downloaded. Use the --prefer-source option with Composer if this is the case.

The Basics

The simplest SearchIntegrationTestCase implementation looks like the following:

// src/Acme/Invoice/Tests/Search/Type/InvoiceNumberTypeTest.php
namespace Acme\Invoice\Tests\Search\Type;

use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Test\SearchIntegrationTestCase;
use Acme\Invoice\Search\Type\InvoiceNumberType;
use Acme\Invoice\Search\ValueComparison\InvoiceNumberComparison;
use Acme\Invoice\InvoiceNumber;

class InvoiceNumberTypeTest extends SearchIntegrationTestCase
    public function testValidInvoiceNumber()
        $field = $this->getFactory()->createField('invoice', 'invoice_number');

        $expectedOutput = new InvoiceNumber(2015, 20);
        $expectedView = '2015-0020';

        $this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '2015-0020', $expectedView);
        $this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '2015-020', $expectedView);
        $this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '2015-20', $expectedView);

    public function testWrongInputFails()
       $field = $this->getFactory()->createField('invoice', 'invoice_number');

        $this->assertTransformedFails($field, '201-0020');
        $this->assertTransformedFails($field, '2015-');
        $this->assertTransformedFails($field, '201500');

    protected function getTypes()
        return array(
            new InvoiceNumberType(
                new InvoiceNumberComparison()

So, what does it test? Here comes a detailed explanation.

First you verify if the FieldType compiles. This includes basic class inheritance, the buildField function and options resolution. This should be the first test you write:

$type = new TestedType();
$form = $this->getFactory()->create($type);

This test checks that none of your data transformers used by the field failed. The assertTransformedEquals checks that the value-input is transformed properly to the expected output and that the reverse transforming is what you expect:

$this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '2015-0020', $expectedView);
$this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '2015-020', $expectedView);
$this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '2015-20', $expectedView);



The expected view result is not required, but its a good practice to ensure the field transformers work properly.

Next, verify that invalid values are not transformed:

$this->assertTransformedFails($field, '201-0020');


Make sure to only call getFactory method and not use the private factory property to get the factory.

To access the factory builder (before calling the getFactory method) use the factoryBuilder property.

Adding a Type your Type Depends on

Your field type may depend on other types that are not registered by default. It might look like this:

// src/Acme/Invoice/Search/Type/TestedType.php

// ... the getParent method
return 'my_custom_type';

To create your type correctly, you need to make the other type available to the search factory in your test. The easiest way is to register it manually before creating the child type using the getTypes method:

// src/Acme/Test/Tests/Search/Type/TestedTypeTest.php
namespace Acme\Test\Tests\Search\Type;

use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Test\SearchIntegrationTestCase;
use Acme\Test\Search\Type\ParentType;
use Acme\Test\Search\Type\TestedType;
use Acme\Test\ValueObject;

class TestedTypeTest extends SearchIntegrationTestCase
    public function testValidValueTransforms()
        $field = $this->getFactory()->createField('field_name', 'tested_type');

        $expectedOutput = new ValueObject(10, 20, 50);
        $expectedView = '{10, 20, 50}';

        $this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, '{10, 20,50}', $expectedView);

    protected function getTypes()
        return array(
            new ParentType(),
            new TestedType(),


Make sure the parent type you add is well tested. Otherwise you may be getting errors that are not related to the type you are currently testing but to its children.

Adding custom Extensions

It often happens that you use some options that are added by type extensions. One of the cases may be the Symfony ValidatorExtension with its constraints option. The SearchIntegrationTestCase loads only the core form extension so an “Invalid option” exception will be raised if you try to use it for testing a class that depends on other extensions. You need add those extensions to the factory object:

// src/Acme/Test/Tests/Search/Type/TestedTypeTest.php
namespace Acme\Test\Tests\Search\Type;

use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Test\SearchIntegrationTestCase;
use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Extension\Symfony\ValidatorExtension;

class TestedTypeTest extends SearchIntegrationTestCase
    protected function getTypeExtensions()
        return array(
            new ValidatorExtension(),

    // ... your tests


The Symfony ValidatorExtension class is provided by a separate package. See Installing the Library for more information to install this extension.

Testing against different Sets of Data

If you are not familiar yet with PHPUnit’s data providers, this might be a good opportunity to use them:

// src/Acme/Test/Tests/Search/Type/TestedTypeTest.php
namespace Acme\Test\Tests\Search\Type;

use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Test\SearchIntegrationTestCase;
use Acme\Test\Search\Type\TestedType;
use Acme\Test\ValueObject;

class TestedTypeTest extends SearchIntegrationTestCase
    protected function getTypes()
        return array(
            new TestedType(),

     * @dataProvider getValidTestData
    public function testValidDataTransforms($input, $expected, $viewExpected = null)
        $field = $this->getFactory()->createField('field_name', 'tested_type');
        $this->assertTransformedEquals($field, $expectedOutput, $input, $expectedView);

    public function getValidTestData()
        return array(
            array('{10, 20,50}', new ValueObject(10, 20, 50), '{10, 20, 50}'),
            array('{10, 20, 50}', new ValueObject(10, 20, 50), '{10, 20, 50}'),
            array('{10,20,50}', new ValueObject(10, 20, 50), '{10, 20, 50}'),

The code above will run your test three times with 3 different sets of data. This allows for decoupling the test fixtures from the tests and directly testing against multiple sets of data.